4 Tips To Getting Back Up.
Hurt, disappointment, loss, it affects us all and it takes it’s toll on our self esteem. The cruel words, the harsh tone of the communication, we’ve all experienced it at some stage. When this occurs we sometimes have a tendency to sit in the victim bucket. Whether this is due to the surprise of the behaviour of the other person or the truth we apply in the moment of the altercation.
In today's blog, I want to share with you four helpful tips to help you get back up, when the hurt, disappointment or loss is not as painful. In the moment one of the best things to do is remove yourself from the environment and settle yourself with some deep breaths and consider these tips.
Tip 1 - Empathy - I know before you start ranting, hear me out. The behaviour that you saw, the cruel words, thoughtless actions and destructive behaviour comes from deep within. This place is often dark and says more about the other person than yourself. Be a bigger person, recognise this and forgive them.
Tip 2 - Forgive Yourself - Yes you have just taken a beating mentally and you feel like you are at the bottom of the pile. You maybe beating yourself up for not being stronger and standing up for yourself and your needs. You may be questioning what is wrong with you, when you are okay. Acknowledge your part in this situation, learn from your actions and simply accept that you are human.
Tip 3 - Recognise the fear that is now related to the loss of confidence - If somebody spoke poorly regarding your bottom, you may now be questioning that new dress, or swimsuit you just bought. You may even hesitate going to out. I encourage you go out and wear your new dress, go to the beach in your new swim suit. Nothing has meaning apart from the meaning we give it. we have the power to reject or accept. On this occasion REJECT.
Tip 4 - Your Tribe - Turn your focus to the people who matter to you, who believe in you and love you. Appreciate the fact that you are here and that you lived through the ordeal. Tomorrow is another day, focus on who you will be tomorrow and make it your focus to share your smile with people that cross your path. Your past does not define your presence…..raise up and appreciate your now. Your Smile … Your Responsibility - Own it, Wear it, Share it.
For this and many more tips that will assist you in maintaining ""Your Cool Confidence"" please head over to the contact page and secure your complimentary coffee chat. "