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Sandy Bartlett with red jacket smiling with hands reaching out

Dear visionary,

Every journey begins with a single step, a breath of courage and the belief that change is possible. If you're here, on the cusp of reaching out, know that this is more than just a conversation – it's the start of a transformation.

Throughout my life, from the words I've penned to the stories I've shared on stage, my mission has been to ignite that spark of potential that resides within each of us. The journey of growth is both personal and collective; it's about shaping our paths not only for ourselves but for those who walk alongside us.

I believe in the power of connections, the strength of a story well told and the ripple effect of a single inspired action. Our dialogues will be more than exchanges of ideas; they will be the kindling of inspiration and the blueprint for your journey ahead.

So, I invite you, with open arms and a heart ready to listen and uplift, to reach out. Whether it's a story you want to share, a dream you're aiming to realise, or a path you're looking to forge – I am here to accompany you.

Together, let's turn the pages of possibility and step onto the stage of action. Because your voice matters, your vision is valid, and your journey is just beginning.


With warmth and encouragement,

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Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. After hours, feel free to leave a message on 1300 262 246 and we will respond the following day.


Oran Park Podium

Level 2, Smart Work Hub,

351 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park NSW.


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1300 COACH ME  [1300 262 246]

Oran Park Podium

Level 2, Smart Work Hub,

351 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park NSW.

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